Monday, August 21, 2023

Pluggable type inference for free

Testing cannot ensure correctness, but verification can.  The problem with a specify-and-verify approach is the first part:  the specification.  Programmers are often reluctant to write specifications because it seems like extra work, beyond writing the code.

In the context of pluggable type-checking, the specifications are annotations.  Writing @Nullable annotations lets a verifier prove your program has no null pointer exceptions.  Writing @MustCall andd @Owning lets a verifier prove your program has no resource leaks.  And so forth.

Sometimes we can infer specifications from program executions or from code comments.  An even better source is the source code itself.  So far, writing a new type inference tool has been a big effort, which has to be re-done for each type system.

Help is on the way.  Martin Kellogg, his students, and I have just published a paper, "Pluggable type inference for free" (in ASE 2023), that shows how to convert any type-checker into a type inference.  In other words, every type-checker now has an accompanying type inference tool.

To build our tool, we observed that pluggable type systems already do local type inference (within a method).  Our whole-program inference (called WPI) wraps a fixed-point loop around this.  There are many complications beyond this idea, which you can read about in the paper.

In addition to being published in an academic conference, the technique is practical.  It is distributed with the Checker Framework.  This means that WPI has already created type inference tools for dozens of type systems, which you can use immediately.  

The manual section on WPI tells you how to use it.  You can get started by running the script, which automatically understands many Ant, Maven, and Gradle build files.  Give it a try!  We look forward to your comments, suggestions, and even your bug reports.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Generalized data structure synthesis with Cozy

For most of your programming, a few data structures suffice:  lists, sets, and maps/dictionaries.  But sometimes, your program requires a data structure with a more sophisticated interface or a more efficient algorithm.  Then you need to implement it yourself -- often in terms of lists, sets, and maps/dictionaries.

Implementing a data structure is time-consuming, error-prone, and it is difficult to achieve high efficiency.  Our Cozy tool improves this situation by creating the data structure for you.

Cozy's input is small, easy to write, and easy to write correctly.  You provide as input a trivial implementation, which uses an inefficient representation and inefficient algorithms.  For example, you might define a graph data structure as a set of <node, node> pairs (one for each edge).  Every operation, such as determining whether two nodes are connected or determining the out-degree of a node, requires searching the set for the given pair of nodes.  You can also define (inefficient) update operations, such as adding or removing graph edges or nodes.  You write the specification declaratively, by writing a set comprehension rather than an iteration.

Cozy's output is an implementation of the data structure.  For instance, it can automatically generate an implementation of a graph that uses adjacency lists.  The implementation runs fast because it uses an efficient representation.  For each update operation, the implementation automatically updates the representation; programmers often make mistakes in the update code.

We used Cozy to replace the implementations of data structures in 4 open-source programs.  Cozy requires requires an order of magnitude fewer lines of code than manual implementation, makes no mistakes even when human programmers do, and generally matches the performance of hand-written code.

At its heart, Cozy searches over all possible implementations of the user-provided specifications and determines whether each one is a correct implementation of the specification.  (Cozy has to synthesize both a representation and operations over it.)  A key idea in Cozy is to use the technique of "wishful thinking".  When Cozy notices that it would be convenient to have access to the value of a particular expression, then Cozy just uses that expression and then tries to synthesize an efficient implementation of it.  In the end, Cozy outputs the most efficient overall implementation that it has discovered.

A paper on Cozy will appear in ICSE 2018.  Compared to a previous version of Cozy described in PLDI 2016, the current version is more general; it does not need a custom outline language (it handles arbitrary expressions, and its search over implementations is more powerful) nor a tuning step over a user-supplied benchmark (it contains a symbolic cost model).  It can generate more complex data structures that involve multiple collections and aggregation operations.

Cozy was built by a team led by Calvin Loncaric.
Cozy is publicly available at  Give it a try!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Ski rental, and when should you refactor your code?

A codebase often accumulates technical debt:  bad code that accumulates over time due to poor design or due to taking shortcuts to meet a deadline.

Sometimes, you need to take a break from implementing features or fixing bugs, and temporarily focus on repaying technical debt via activities such as refactoring.  If you don't do so, then the technical debt will accumulate until you find it impossible to make any changes to your software, and even refactoring to reduce the technical debt may become impractical.  But, you don't want to spend all your time refactoring nor to do so prematurely:  you want to spend most of your effort on delivering improvements that are visible to users, and you cannot be sure of your future development plans and needs.

Typically, the decision about when to refactor or clean up code is based primarily on gut feel, emotions, or external deadlines.  The ski rental algorithm offers a better solution.

Ski rental is a canonical rent/buy problem.  When you are learning to ski and unsure of whether you will stick with the sport, each day you have the choice of renting or buying skis.  Buying skis prematurely would be a waste of money if you stop skiing.  Renting skis for too long would be a waste of money if you ski for many days.

Here is an algorithm that guarantees you never spend more than twice as much as you would have, if you had known in advance how many days you would ski.  Rent until you have spent as much money as it would cost to buy the skis, and then buy the skis.  If you quit skiing during the rental period, you have spent the minimum possible amount.  If you continue skiing until you purchase skis, then you have spent twice as much as you would have, were you omniscient.  (Randomized algorithms exist that give a better expected expected amount of money lost, but do not guarantee a limit on the amount of wasted money.)

You can apply the same approach to refactoring.  For any proposed refactoring, estimate how much time it would take to perform, and estimate the ongoing costs of not refactoring (such as extra time required to add features, fix bugs, or test).  Use the ski rental algorithm to decide when to perform the refactoring.

The problem with the ski-rental approach is that programmers are notoriously bad at cost estimation, and ski rental requires you to compare two different estimates.  However, the alternative is to continue to make your decisions based on how much the code smells bother you -- an approach that is likely to waste your time, even if it satisfies your emotions.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Plotters, pantsers, and software development

Last week, I gave two talks at TU Delft and also had the privilege to hear a talk by Dr. Felienne Hermans that analogized programming to story-writing.  One source of inspiration for her was the observation that when kids program, their programs might not contain any user interaction, but only show a story, somewhat like a movie.

There are two general types of fiction writers:  plotters and pantsers.  A plotter outlines the story and plans its structure and characters before beginning to write and filling in the details.  By contrast, a pantser prefers to write by the seat of the pants, discovering the story as they write and later revising to achieve consistency.  There are great writers who are plotters and great writers who are pantsers (and most writers are probably some combination of the two personalities).  Each approach requires heavy work.  Plotters do their heavy work during the planning stage.  Pantsers do their heavy work during rewriting stages.

Most recommendations about software development come from a plotter mentality.  The developer should determine user requirements and decide on an architecture and specifications of components before writing the code.  Extreme Programming can be viewed as a reaction to this "Big Design Up Front" attitude.  Extreme Programming forbids pre-planning:  it encourages taking on one small task at a time and doing only enough work to complete that task.  It advocates refactoring during development -- similar to rewriting a text -- as the developers discover new requirements or learn the limitations of their design.

Perhaps Extreme Programming is a reaction from pantsers who feel alienated by the dominant software development approach.  Perhaps Extreme Programming is their attempt to express and legitimize their own style of thinking.  Perhaps by respecting those mental differences, we can improve education to attract more students and make them all feel welcome.  And perhaps both plotters and pantsers can understand the other in order to avoid needless religious wars over the right approach to software development.

Felienne wasn't able to answer my questions about plotters and pantsers, such as the following.  Can we look at a finished piece of writing and tell whether it was created by a plotter or a pantser?  How should we teach writing differently depending on the learner's preferred style?  Is one's personal style innate or learned?  Can people be trained to work in the other style, and what is the effect on their output?  For novices, which approach produces more successfully-completed manuscripts and fewer abandoned efforts?  Are different styles more appropriate for different genres, or for series rather than individual books?

Analogies can be useful, especially in sparking ideas, but they should not be taken too far.  For example, the frequent analogies between civil engineering and software engineering have led to unproductive "bridge envy" and incorrect comparisons.  Although many bridges are built each year, most of them do not require imaginative design because they are similar or identical to previously-built bridges.  By contrast, every new program is fundamentally different from what exists -- otherwise, we would just reuse or modify existing code.  Therefore, the design challenges are much greater for software.

I also have questions about the analogy between fiction writing and programming.  (I want to admit to you and to myself that I am a plotter, so these questions may reflect my personal bias.)  Although plotting and pantsing may both produce great novels when practiced by great writers, would they both produce great nonfiction -- or, for that matter, great bridges?  Extreme Programming has been shown to work in certain circumstances, but few people practice it in its pure form, and it does not scale up to large development efforts.  It is commonly said that you can't refactor a program to make it secure or to give it certain other desirable properties; is this actually true, and if so what does it say about the utility of pantsing in software engineering?  Can pantsing work well within the confines of a well-understood domain -- such as writing a period romance novel or building a website based on a framework you have used before?

Whatever the benefits of the writing analogy for software engineering, it is a thought-provoking alternative to the civil engineering analogy.  It reminds us to be aware of the many ways of thinking, not just our own.

Monday, January 16, 2017

ICSE 2017 Most Influential Paper, and supporting your research tools

My ICSE 2007 paper that describes the Randoop test generation tool, Feedback-directed random test generation (coauthored with Carlos Pacheco, Shuvendu K. Lahiri, and Thomas Ball), has won the ICSE 2017 Most Influential Paper award.  This is a test-of-time award given for "the paper from the ICSE meeting 10 years prior that is judged to have had the most influence on the theory or practice of software engineering during the 10 years since its original publication."

Randoop generates tests for programs written in object-oriented languages; currently, Java and .NET versions exist. Automated test generation is a practically important research topic: in 2002, NIST reported, "the national [US] annual costs of an inadequate infrastructure for software testing is estimated to range from $22.2 to $59.5 billion."

Prior to this research, a typical test generation technique would generate many tests and then try to determine which ones were of value. For example, an error-revealing test is one that makes legal calls that yield incorrect results.  Without a formal specification, it is difficult to know whether a given call is legal and whether its outcome is desired.  Furthermore, multiple generated tests might fail for the same reason.

The technique of feedback-directed test generation generates one test at a time, executes the test, and classifies it as (probably) a normal execution, a failure, or an illegal input.  Based on this information, it biases the subsequent generation process to extend good tests and avoid bad tests.

Feedback-directed test generation was first introduced in my ECOOP 2005 paper Eclat: Automatic generation and classification of test inputs (coauthored with Carlos Pacheco). The ICSE 2007 Randoop paper expands on the technique, contributes a more usable tool, and reports on more extensive experiments.

Before and since, many other test generation strategies have been proposed, including ones with desirable theoretical properties such as the ability to cover difficult-to-execute paths.  Some of these have seen commercial success.  Thanks to its scalability and simplicity, Randoop remains the standard benchmark against which other test generation tools are measured.  (Randoop is easy to use, but as with any tool, tuning parameters as described in its manual greatly improves its output, and that is what a conscientious user or researcher does.)  It's great to see subsequent research surpassing Randoop.  For example, the GRT tool adds a few clever techniques to Randoop and outperforms all other test generation tools.

One reason the Randoop paper had impact was its innovative approach to test generation, which has since been adopted by other tools.  An equally important reason is a decade of improvements, bug fixes, and other support.  After my student Carlos Pacheco graduated and moved on to other interests, I and my research group have continued to maintain Randoop for its community of industrial developers and academics.  This enables them to use Randoop to find bugs and generate regression tests, or to extend Randoop to support their own research.  The main Randoop paper or the tool have been cited 761 times in academic papers.

At ICSE 2007, I was awarded a ACM Distinguished Paper Award (a "best paper" award).  But the award wasn't for the Randoop paper!  Don't give up if others do not yet appreciate your work.  Time can change people's opinions about what research results are most important.  At the time, the program committee was more impressed with my paper "Refactoring for parameterizing Java classes" (coauthored with Adam Kieżun, Frank Tip, and Robert M. Fuhrer).  This paper shows how to infer Java generics, such as converting a Java program from declaring and using List to declaring and using List<T>.  The paper is notable because it solves both the parameterization problem and the instantiation problem. That is, it infers what type parameters a generic class should have, as well as changing clients to provide type arguments when using the class.

The ICSE 2017 MIP award is my second test-of-time award.  I also received the 2013 ACM SIGSOFT Impact Paper Award, which is awarded to "a highly influential paper presented at a SIGSOFT-sponsored or co-sponsored conference held at least 10 years prior".  The award was for my ICSE 1999 paper Dynamically discovering likely program invariants to support program evolution (co-authored with Jake Cockrell, William G. Griswold, and David Notkin).  The paper describes a machine-learning technique that observes program executions and outputs likely specifications.  This was the first paper that described the Daikon invariant detector.

As with Randoop, a reason for Daikon's influence is that I and my research group maintained it for over a decade, supporting a community of users.  I did so against the advice of senior faculty who told me to abandon it and focus on new publications.

I recommend my approach to other researchers who care about impact.  Make your research tools public!  Support them after you release them!  This is a requirement of the scientific method, which requires replicating and extending prior research.  If you are not willing to do this, others are right to suspect your results.  Another important reason is that maintenance work helps others in the scientific community to do their own work.  If you need a selfish reason, it greatly increases your influence, as illustrated by these awards.

Monday, January 2, 2017

AMiner's most influential scholars

AMiner, which mines deep knowledge from scientific networks, has named me the #3 most influential scholar, among all software engineering researchers (living and dead).

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Automated generation of assert statements with Toradocu

Do you love writing test assertions?  If not, the Toradocu tool can help you.  Toradocu 1.0 has just been released.

Toradocu automatically generates assert statements that you can insert in your program.  This makes your existing tests more effective, and it can also find errors during normal operation of your program.

Toradocu converts your existing Javadoc comments into assertions.  It works as follows:

  • It parses an English sentence, yielding a parse tree that indicates the subject, the verb, the direct and indirect objects, etc.
  • It associates every noun phrase in the sentence with an expression in the program.  It does so by comparing the text of the noun phrase with variable names and types.
  • It associates every verb in the sentence with an operation in the program.  For example, it compares the text of the verb with method names.
  • Now that every noun and verb in the parse tree is associated with a program element, the sentence can be translated to a Java expression that can be used in an assert statement.
For example, suppose you wrote

 @throws IllegalArgumentException if the argument is not in the list and is not convertable

Toradocu aims to determine that "argument" refers to the method's formal parameter, "the list" refers to some variable whose type is a subtype of List, and "convertable" is determined by some method whose name or documentation refers to "convert".  Toradocu generates an aspect that you can weave into your program.  The aspect indicates an error whenever your program should throw IllegalArgumentException but does not, and the aspect indicates an error whenever your program should not throw an IllegalArgumentException but does so.  This helps you ensure that your program and its documentation are consistent.

Toradocu is described in greater detail in the ISSTA 2016 paper "Automatic generation of oracles for exceptional behaviors".

Toradocu 1.0 works only for @throws Javadoc tags, and achieves precision and recall around 70%.  We are working to improve the results, to add support for @param and @return tags, and to integrate Toradocu into test generators such as Randoop.